Auto Paint Jobs

Auto Paint Jobs

A Simple Guide to Smash Repairs

Gavin Lawson

If you have been in a small accident or if something hit your car and left a dent, you might need to look for smash repair services. What should you keep in mind when getting smash repairs done?

Finding A Good Smash Repair Shop

Sometimes, your insurance may require you to use a particular smash repair shop. If this is the case, use that company because your insurance company most likely has vetted it and found it reputable.

If it is up to you to find a smash repair shop, then you have some homework to do:

  1. Read your insurance policy to find out how or whether the insurance company will pay for the damage. If it is an accident involving two vehicles, who is at fault? Who is paying for the other car's repair requirements?
  2. Find a smash repair shop near you so that you get the benefits of cheaper prices and the ability to easily and effectively do your due diligence (ask around about the smash repair shop, check online reviews, visit the shop to see how work is conducted and if it looks professional, etc.).
  3. Ensure the smash repair shop specifically specialises in smash repairs related to your car's make and model. This guarantees quality services because the smash repairers will know what they are doing and might also have any spare parts required already on hand.
  4. You cannot get a cost estimate until your car has been inspected. If a smash repair shop mentions a fee before thoroughly inspecting your vehicle, you might end up paying more than is required.

What Should You Expect?

Depending on the smash repair company you choose, you might have the option between the company picking your damaged car up from your home and you taking it to the smash repair shop.

Expect to see your car being disassembled around the area of impact to check for interior damage. This is a good sign; it shows you that the smash repair person does not want to leave any stone unturned during the repair. You can then expect a price quote based on what has been identified.

Most repair services involve part replacements, panel beating and spray painting. Panel beating is simply hammering the body of your car to align it, especially after being deformed from an impact (accident). This is done skillfully; therefore, don't try it at home or you might worsen the condition.


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This site is full of advice which will help you to paint your automobile. A fantastic paint job can turn even the oldest looking car into something to be really proud of. We may not be auto experts, but we are certain that the hours of research we have carried out into this topic will help you to understand the different approaches you can take to spray painting your car. The articles here will talk you through the entire process, from sanding down the bodywork, to applying the final finish. Read on to find out everything you need to know!
