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Auto Paint Jobs

Misconceptions About Paintless Dent Repairs

Gavin Lawson

When your car bumps into another vehicle or wall and develops a dent, you want the best possible service to restore the body. Paintless dent repair is arguably one of the best remedies for minor and relatively big dints, but very few people know what it is all about. Thus, first-timers ask other people about their experiences with the dent removal technique, which is where things can get murky. Since most people do not understand the technique, paintless dent repair is rife with myths and misconceptions. Sadly, the myths can influence you to make wrong decisions, causing further damage to your car.

This article helps you learn a bit more about paintless dent repair.

Myth: It's Similar to DIY Dent Removal

Social media today is rife with all manner of DIY auto solutions, including dent repairs. Since paintless dent repairs do not damage car paint, most people believe they can use simple DIY techniques. For instance, some people suggest that pouring hot water on a dent and using a plunger to pull the depressed section works just as well as paintless dent repair. Unfortunately, at-home solutions can make a dint worse and damage car paint, leading to expensive repairs. Also, unlike DIY solutions, paintless dent removal requires special tools and an experienced technician to ensure that car paint does not chip or scratch.

Myth: It Takes a Long Time

Most people assume that paintless dent repair is only suitable for minor dents. However, nothing could be further from the truth because the technique can also be used to address relatively large dents. Since paintless dent repairs do not involve banging and hitting a car body with heavy tools, some people believe that the process can be painstakingly slow, especially for big dents. Notably, an experienced technician might only need a few hours to repair a stubborn dent. A professional auto body repairer with the right tools knows the right amount of pressure to exert on a dint to pull it out in a few cycles. However, huge dents with scratches require panel beating services.

Myth: It Stretches Car Paint

This misconception arises from the unique process of paintless dent removal. When you take a vehicle for paintless dent repair, a technician applies special glue on a puller then gently pulls out a dent from the outside of the car panel. Thus, it might seem like the pulling action stretches car paint. However, it is not the case. Technicians instead set a puller correctly to ensure that it does not compromise the original paint. Alternatively, a technician can apply indirect heat to a dent to make paintless dent repair effortless and safe on car paint.


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